How does your bracket seeding work?

In a word, imperfectly. But that’s part of the fun with these things – seed lines will always be somewhat debatable in large tournaments like this. That being said, we want to get it as correct and as fair as humanly possible. So to get a rough baseline, we totaled all the battle stats for each character, and ranked them by total stats, 1 to 64. Next, we simulated a series of round robin tournaments (everyone plays everyone else) to get a “body of work” for each character. Using those outcomes as our “regular season,” we then compared the results against the baseline rankings, moving characters up or down, each according to their record.

Can I fill out my own bracket and track results?

This feature is coming soon! We have big plans for this, but if we’re going to build it, we want to build it right. Unfortunately we’re not quite there yet. Stay tuned!

What additional content can subscribers expect?

MEM Newsletter MEM Bracket Contest MEM Fantasy League MEM Trivia

How do we contact you with ideas & feedback?

We actively monitor all of our social channels and engage with our followers, so make sure you’re following us on your favorite platforms. But the best way to get our attention is to become a MEM-ber. MEM-bers can send us DMs and personal emails and receive priority attention. Click “Sign Up” on the top menu bar for more.

How can I collaborate with you on future games, contests and content?

Are you a fellow content creator, host, developer, coder, artist, etc? We’d love to connect with you! Find us on your favorite social platforms (links at the bottom of every page of our website), and let’s co-create. For professional opportunities and inquiries, click HERE.

Who did your artwork and design work?

All of our character and logo artwork is original. There is so much amazing artwork in the Tolkien community, and we fully acknowledge that most of it puts us to shame. In fact, we hesitated on whether to use character artwork at all – as a big part of most RPG’s or tabletop games is imagining your own characters. But in the end, the creative urge to reimagine and re-portray each character using only the original source material (the books) proved too strong to resist. Huge shout out to AARMADA Entertainment for partnering with us on graphic design and digital work.

How does the battle flow work?

A picture is worth a thousand words. So sayeth the wise. So click here for an overview. For a more detailed breakdown, read this.

Why isn't my favorite Tolkien character in the Tournament?

This is the first of many tournaments and every field will be slightly different. Hit us up on social media and let us know who you want to see in the next tourney!

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