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Maiar and Istari wizard, master of birds and beasts, and White Council member, 3rd Age

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Bilbo Baggins

Hobbit of Bag End who found a certain ring in Gollum’s cave as the “burglar” in Thorin’s Company.

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One of the hobbit-like Stoors before he stole the One Ring and its power slowly mutated him into a pitiful, but dangerous, creature

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Durin’s Bane

Dark Maiar of Morgoth who fled the cataclysms of the 1st Age and hid in the depths of Khazad-Dûm

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The Watcher in the Water

Mysterious dark creature sent to guard the West gate of Moria in the 3rd Age

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The Olog-Hai

Elite warrior-trolls of Mordor, empowered by Sauron to withstand sunlight

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One of the elder dwarves of  Thorin’s Company and survivor of the battles of Azanulbizar and the Battle of the Five Armies

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Dwarf of Erebor and member of Thorin’s Company, veteran of The Battle of the Five Armies 

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Farmer Maggot

Bristly Buckland landowner and dog-owner

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Orc captain of Cirith Ungol who clashed with other orcish units over a prisoner’s mithril coat

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Young, hasty ent of Fangorn who aided Treebeard in the 3rd Age Siege of Isengard

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The Barrow Wight

A malevolent spirit born of the Witch King’s sorcery, they haunted the barrow downs in the 3rd Age

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Sindarin ship-wright, mariner, Lord of the Falathrim, and keeper of one of the three elven rings

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One of the twin half-elven sons of Elrond, ranger of Eriador, and member of the Grey Company in the 3rd Age

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Great Eagle of the Misty Mountains, Brother of Gwaihir, and friend of Gandalf and Radagast  

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Maiar and Istari wizard, known as Mithrandir, the “gray pilgrim,” by the elves in the 3rd Age.

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Frodo Baggins

Hobbit of Bag End. Renowned Ring-bearer in the 3rd Age.

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Rohirrim renegade, then captain, then King in the 3rd Age

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Helm Hammerhand

Rohirrim warrior-king mythologized for his heroic stand at the Hornburg in the 3rd Age

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Luthien Tinuviel

Half-Maiar enchantress and princess of Doriath in the 1st Age

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Father of dragons and defiler of Beleriand in the 1st Age

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Mightiest of the Maiar in the 1st Age and commander of the host of Valinor in the Wars of Wrath

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Lord of Balrogs and bane of elf lords in the 1st Age 

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Sauron Gorthaur

Mightiest of the Maiar of Morgoth and Dark Lord of Mordor in the 2nd and 3rd Ages

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Mightiest of the Noldorin Elves of the 1st Age and maker of the Silmarils

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Ancalagon the Black

First and greatest of the winged dragons of Utumno in the 1st Age

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Maia of Aule, Istari of the White Council, and turncloak wizard of Isengard in the 3rd Age

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Ancient weaver of darkness and devourer of light, appearing in spider-form to aid Morgoth in the 1st Age

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Noldorin Elven King of the 1st Age mythologized for facing Morgoth in single combat

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Finrod Felagund

Elf lord of Nargothrond best known for saving Beren and facing Sauron in a contest of sorcery in the 1st Age

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Known as “The Valiant” for his feats of valor in the wars of the 1st Age, he was High King of the Noldorin Elves after Fingolfin.

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Noldorin elf renowned for deeds of surpassing valor across all three ages of Middle Earth

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Greatest of the remaining dragons in the 3rd Age and usurper of Erebor

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Gil Galad

High King of the Noldorin Elves and Captain of the Last Alliance in the 2nd Age

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Half-elven founder and ruler of Imladris, and keeper of the elven ring, Vilya, in the 3rd Age

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Wolf hound of Valinor and companion of Luthien in the 1st Age, fated to fight the greatest dreadbeast to ever live

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Eldest of the seven sons of Feanor in the 1st Age, oathbound to oppose anyone, friend or foe, who should take or keep a silmaril

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Dreadbeast of the 1st Age, hand-fed by Morgoth and placed as a guardian of the gates of Angband

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Greatest of the eagles of Manwë in the 1st Age, who aided the elves in the wars of Beleriand

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The Witch King

Lord of the Nazgûl and Sauron’s most deadly servant in the wars of the 3rd Age

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Half-elven father of Elrond and greatest mariner of the 1st Age, who bore a silmaril through the Wars of Wrath into the heavens

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Eldest and greatest of the ents of Fangorn, he arose in wrath against Isengard in the 3rd Age

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The mightiest warrior of mortal men in the 1st Age, cursed by Morgoth for his deeds of reckless valor and defiance

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Túrin Turambar

Son of Hurin in the 1st Age, also known as the Dragon Helm of Dor Lomin, he slew the dragon Glaurung before Morgoth’s curse claimed him

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Lady of Lothlorien and keeper of the elven ring, Nenya, she was one of the only elves to resist Sauron and the servants of Morgoth in all three ages of Middle Earth 

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Edain hero of the 1st Age fated to join elves and men against Morgoth by marrying Luthien and reclaiming a Silmaril from Angband

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Dragon of the 3rd Age that plundered treasure from both the Rohirrim and the dwarves

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Dúnedain ranger and heir to the throne of Gondor, also known as Strider, who joined the Fellowship of the Ring and led the free peoples to victory in the War of the Ring 

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Noldorin Elven King in the 1st Age, founder and ruler of the hidden city of Gondolin 

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Numenorean captain who remained faithful to the Eldar after the downfall of Westernesse in the 2nd Age and founded the realms of Gondor and Arnor in Middle Earth

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The enigmatic skin-changer of The Carrock, who assisted Thorin’s Company and fought at the Battle of the Five Armies in the 3rd Age

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Sire of werewolves, this dreadbeast of the 1st Age aided Sauron in overthrowing the watch tower of Tol-in-Gaurhoth, and making it a place of terror and madness

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A monstrous broodling of Ungoliant, she terrorized the dark pass of Cirith Ungol in the 3rd Age

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Lord of Eagles in the 3rd Age, also called The Windlord, he kept watch from his eyrie in the Misty Mountains, proving timely in his aid to his friend, Gandalf

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Numenorean Lord and brief ruler of Gondor before the Last Alliance in the 2nd Age, he is famed for cutting the One Ring from Sauron’s hand and claiming it for himself

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Beleg Strongbow

Sindarin Marchwarden of Menegroth in the 1st Age, he is famed for his faithful friendship to Turin Turambar through many travails

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Azaghâl of Belegost

King of the dwarven mansions of Belegost in the 1st Age, he aided the elves in the Battle of Sudden Flame, fighting the dragon, Glaurung, and wounding him before he fell

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Dáin II Ironfoot

Lord of the Iron Hills during the War of the Ring, he aided Thorin at the Battle of the Five Armies and was afterward named King Under the Mountain

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Eorl the Young

A northman of Rhovanion, he rode south to Gondor’s aid at the Battle of the Field of Celebrant, afterward becoming the first King of Rohan

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Eldest son of Denethor, Steward of Gondor, his feats of strength and valor, both as a captain of Minas Tirith, and as a member of the Fellowship of the Ring are renowned

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Orc chieftain of Moria in the 3rd Age, he commanded the orcish armies in the War of Orcs and Dwarves, claiming countless lives before being slain at Azanulbizar

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Thorin Oakenshield

Dwarven heir and leader of the exiles of Erebor in the 3rd Age, he led the successful quest to liberate the Lonely Mountain from the dragon, Smaug 

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Son of Gloin, of Thorin’s Company, he represented dwarves in the Fellowship of the Ring, fighting in many of the key 3rd Age battles in the War of the Ring

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Half-elven son of Elrond, he watched over Eriador in the 3rd Age alongside the Dúnedain rangers and fought in the War of the Ring with the Grey Company 

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Prince of Mirkwood in the 3rd Age, he is best known for representing elves in the Fellowship of the Ring, where he fought in many key battles in the War of the Ring

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Son of the dark elf, Eöl of Nan Elmoth, he is best known for his betrayal of Gondolin in the 1st Age

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Orc chieftain of Mount Gundabad in the 3rd Age, he commanded the army of Goblins and Wargs in the Battle of the Five Armies

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Younger brother of Boromir, he served as a Ranger of Ithilien in the 3rd Age, crossing paths with the Ring-bearer in the War of the Ring

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Prince of Dol Amroth and captain of the swan knights who fought valiantly at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields in the 3rd Age

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Man of Dale and resident of Lake Town in the 3rd Age, famed for slaying the dragon, Smaug and rebuilding Dale

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Elvenking of Greenwood and father of Legolas, he led the army of woodelves at the Battle of Five Armies in the 3rd Age

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King of Rohan during the War of the Ring in the 3rd Age, famed for leading the Rohirrim to victory at Helm’s Deep and breaking the siege of Minas Tirith before he fell

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Captain of Isengard’s Uruk-Hai, bred by Saruman’s foul craft to withstand daylight and endure physical toil

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Niece of King Théoden of Rohan, she rode to battle with the Rohirrim in disguise, and avenged her uncle by slaying the Lord of the Nazgúl at Pelennor

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Uruk-Hai captain of Cirith Ungol in the 3rd Age who captured Frodo and stole his mithril coat

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Samwise Gamgee

Hobbiton horticulturalist in the 3rd Age who proved to be much more as a member of the Fellowship, accompanying the Ring Bearer all the way to Mordor

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Meriadoc Brandybuck

Also called Merry, this hobbit of Buckland and Fellowship member also fought as a squire of Rohan in the War of the Ring, where he helped slay the Witch King

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Orc captain of Lugbúrz in the 3rd Age, who led a Mordor raiding party into Rohan and clashed with Saruman’s Uruk-Hai

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Peregrin Took

Hobbit of the Westfarthing better known as Pippin, he joined the Fellowship and ultimately served as Guard of the Citadel in Minas Tirith 

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The last sea king of Númenor before its downfall in the 2nd Age, his army obliterated the forces of Mordor and took Sauron captive, before hubris got the better of him

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